Friday, January 22, 2010

Joaquin Phoenix Wants To Write Love on Your Arms

The last time we saw Joaquin Phoenix, he looked liked this:

Now the actor turned rapper is back with an akward, funny, and poignant video promoting To Write Love on Her Arms, a charity whose mission is to help those struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, compulsions, and thoughts of suicide among other things. If you'd like, you can help them win $1 million for suicide prevention by following them on Twitter or on Facebook and voting at the website of your choosing. We know this cause is close to Joaquin's heart; remember that River Phoenix, Joaquin's brother, died of a drug overdose. Check out the video:

Only Paper Mario 3 Could Bring Me Back

Hello Peeps! Yes, it's been a while and yes I got some 'splaining to do. For now enjoy some stop-motion animated goodness courtesy of the intel provided by the lovely Eli PDF.

And here's some more: