Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sarah Kruzan: This is not Justice

Sarah Kruzan was sentenced to life without parole at the age of 16 for killing the man who raped her at age 13 and then pimped her out. I do not believe that taking a life is justified but there are extenuating circumstances in any case. In her position would I do the same? Maybe. I would deserve punishment for it, yes, but I'd probably do the same. Where were the authorities when a 13 year-old Kruzan needed their protection? How was this man G.G. not punished for what he did? If she hadn't killed him he'd probably be out there violating other children. Bottom line, this case points to structural problems within the justice system, one of which where the law states that any minor who commits murder can be sentenced to life without parole. I don't necessarily disagree with this law, but it lets prejudiced judges make calls based on their own biases instead of what is right. Bottom line, Kruzan, along with all the other children in similar situations, deserved better from a society that was supposed to protect them. This is not justice. Please put the word out in hopes that this decision can be overturned. We deserve redemption if we take the trouble to earn it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have dipshit "conservatives" who advocate personal responsibility while demonstrating exactly the opposite of that. They preach compassion when said compassion means a benefit for themselves but practice saying "fuck 'em" when it doesn't. The same group of people who adamantly oppose abortion under any circumstances with the exception of circumstances which put their lifes, comfort or public image in jeopardy.

Time to grow up America, life isn't just in black & white: there's a whole spectrum of color out there and you'd better shape up or ship out...