Friday, September 18, 2009

Sodom and Gomorrah

I wanted to share this news story that my friend Ana of Under the Counter fame linked me to the other day. Click here for the Frontline article. I'll let you read the article for yourselves, though I will say this: We must be very aware of the transaction costs of our day to day lives, which includes using the internet. I'm not saying to deprive oneself of anything, I'm saying that every action has a reaction and that we have the power to channel that reaction in a productive way.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

problem is that for most consumers and small business, recycling (which would be the only viable alternative) is prohibitively expensive. Add to that the lack of local recycling facilities in most states and lack of state regulation and you get big business dumping it all in some poor schmoe's country who can't even afford to buy the stuff we're dumping in their backyard.

What entrepreneurs need to realize is that there's good money in recycling e-waste. Not just because of the plastics, but gold, copper, zinc, and other metals used in all circuit boards. There needs to be more localized recycling.