Saturday, November 29, 2008

Genesis Now

Pretty sure this was inspired by a short story from Sabato Visconti

Soon after the beginning, God created
the break up. He told his first son, born of mud,
“I’m seeing other people. Ones who treat me
as a God. And you know what? I find it good.”
So it was that the Lord abandoned Adam,
who turned to Eve for some companionship.

Eve and the snake sat by the river Pison,
in the gold-covered land of Havilah
where onyx, grass, myrrh-colored bdellium,
and lust grew plentiful. And Adam saw
how Eve became enamored with the snake,
his fancy clothes, and his Miltonic diction.

Eve had no time for Adam’s boring stories,
his leafy underwear, or his love of breasts.
Alone now, Adam learned that love is fickle
and conditional. The only pleasure left
to him was gardening, but he lacked the skill
to prune the thorny roses from the bushes.

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