Saturday, November 29, 2008

Spring Break 2006

Lookit what I found guys!!!


The CURSE… Missed flight… Luggage missing (almost)… First time it rains in 145 days…It’s SNOWING!... Agi luv da kids (Ernie helping the children)… “Melissa, what the hell?!”... Ambient noise… TRACTION (lack thereof)… “Arturo, slow down!”... “Ingrid, shut up!”... “I’m sorry!”... “I love my braids”… It’s so soft… “You messed up the snow angel”… “I have no peripheral vision”… Need to unload… Mexican convention in bathroom… Don’t slip!... Watch the curb… My side, your side, my side, your side… No more pictures… Let’s plow the road for Ingrid… “If I have to hear about Andy one more time!!!”... “Is that ice?!”... Ice on the road… ‘Sexual Revenge’… “I need fiber”… “I’m lacking my pieces”… That RED place… Ernie’s green bag… Can’t hit the brakes!... Ernie’s metrosexuality… Williamsburg, Williamstown, Williamsville, WHATEVER!.... “I can totally eat his plate!”… “Bo-ba-di-lla, ven pa’ ca!”… “Does that say FART?!”… Melissa’s automatic in bed… Static couch of DOOM… Broken water heater… Cold showers… “What does ‘bust a nut’ mean?”… “Uhhh, where is the street?”… “Hey guys, did you know there is a 24-hour laundromat in Williams?”… Indian family at laundromat… Girls sleeping when guys get back… Leaving the gas station in Williams at 6am… The children go play in the snow at night… “Give this to Kevin”… “Christina, hold my hand”… “I see it!!! Oh shit, it’s a HOUSE!”… 30-minute pissing detour… Dam Dog Challenge… Eat at the dam, shop at the dam, when are we going to see the damn dam?... SEC Champs baby!… Arturo looks like a gay Russian ballerina in his thermals… Clark Kent… Ingrid marking her territory… “I used to be your #1 camera person!”… Pissing in the snow… Lick the floor, Christopher Reeve walked right there… The quickest jump start ever… It’s time to spit on Ernie… “Come play with us Danny”… Apparently ping pong balls bounce… Ingrid’s rare pearl… Christina’s $3 surprise… Christina’s massage/spa desires… “Man, that’s a long walk to our room”… Melissa trying to take a picture of the Vegas sign… Blue Man Group… Ernie passing out in the show… Blue Mania after show (buying a bunch of stuff)… Dinner at Grand Lux Café aka “Cheesecake Factory”… Left all of the food!... Ernie molesting the statue… Christina molesting the statue… Long walks to the monorail… Taxi cab vs. monorail… Venetian gondola ride… NYNY Manhattan Express ride… The Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace... Fountain show at Bellagio… Last dinner in Paris… Nothing, AZ… “Where are we again? Wickens? Williams?”… Eating at Denny’s in Wickenburg… Racing to South Mountain for the sunset… Finally made it back to Chandler… Ernie’s & Melissa’s dinner and Chrsitina’s pie mmmmmm…. Shocking episode of 24…

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